114th Congressional Priorities:
Support the agreement between the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China to limit Iran’s nuclear program, and avoid another destabilizng, self-defeating war.
The Inclusive Prosperity Act (S.1371/H.R.1464). According to economists, a small sales tax on certain financial trades could generate hundreds of $billions annually in revenue, help create jobs, discourage speculative bubbles, and provide funding to meet urgent needs and priorities.
An amendment to the Constitution (S.J.Res.4/H.J.Res.22) to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away in the Citizens United and related decisions, to protect the integrity of our elections, and to limit the corrosive influence of money in our democratic process.
The Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (S.786/H.R.1439), to provide paid and family medical leave benefits to certain individuals.
The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act (S.928/H.R.1786) to reauthorize the World Trade Center Health Program and the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.
H.R. 676, the Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act, to provide all U.S. residents with free medically necessary healthcare.
H.Res.54 "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Postal Service should take all appropriate measures to restore service standards in effect as of July 1, 2012."
Sen. Thomas Carper's New Columbia Admissions Act, to "provide for the admission of the State of New Columbia into the Union."
Sen. Benjamin Cardin's Democracy Restoration Act (S. 772), to secure Federal voting rights of Americans who've paid their debt to society and want to re-enter the mainstream; and the End Racial Profiling Act (S. 1056), legislation that would prohibit "any law enforcement agent or agency from engaging in racial profiling. Grants the United States or an individual injured by racial profiling the right to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief."
Rep. John Lewis' Voter Empowerment Act (H.R. 12), to "modernize voter registration, promote access to voting for individuals with disabilities, protect the ability of individuals to exercise the right to vote in elections for Federal office, and for other purposes."
Rep. John Conyers' the Democracy Restoration Act (H.R. 1459), to "secure the Federal voting rights of persons when released from incarceration"; the End Racial Profiling Act (H.R. 1933), to "eliminate racial profiling by law enforcement, and for other purposes"; and the Commission to Study Reparations for African Americans Act (H.R. 40), to "acknowledge the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies,” and “to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery...."
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries' Formerly Incarcerated Voter Registration Act (H.R. 871), to "amend title 18, United States Code, to direct the Bureau of Prisons to provide certain voting information to Federal prisoners upon their release from prison."
Del. Eleanor Norton's New Columbia Admissions Act (H.R. 317), to "provide for the admission of the State of New Columbia into the Union."
H.R. 972: the Managed Carbon Price Act. Lead sponsor Rep. McDermott.
The Protect our Public Lands Act, (bill number pending).The “Frack Pack” bills:
H.R. 1460: the Focused Reduction of Effluence and Stormwater runoff through Hydrofracking Environmental Regulation (FRESHER) Act to close loopholes in the Clean Water Act, and study effects of fracking on public health and water.
H.R. 1482: the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act, to close loopholes in the Safe Drinking Water Act.
H.R. 1548: the Bringing Reductions to Energy’s Airborne Toxic Health Effects (BREATHE) Act, to close loopholes in the Clean Air Act.
H.R. 1515: the Safe Hydration is an American Right in Energy Development (SHARED) Act to require industry testing on the impacts of fracking on water sources near such operations, and the public disclosure of the test results.
Oppose trade promotion authority (TPA) aka “fast track” or “smart track,” the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and theTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Votes are expected at any time.
Support peace and diplomacy in the Middle East, and against Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) (also known as "fast track"), and against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Filibuster and vote against legislation that could increase the risk of war with Iran including the Corker bill (S. 615) and the Kirk-Menendez bill (S. 1881).
H.J.Res. 30: "To require a strategy and report to counter the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant."Rep. Barbara Lee said, “As we work to degrade and dismantle ISIL, we must be comprehensive in our strategy. National security experts have clearly stated that there is no military solution to ISIL. In order to ultimately degrade and dismantle ISIL, we must craft a robust regionally-led, political, economic and diplomatic strategy.”
H.J.Res. 25: "Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the right to vote." This legislation and resulting amendment would grant U.S. citizens of legal voting age the right to vote in any public election held in the jurisdiction in which the citizen resides.
H.R. 317: "the New Columbia Admission Act." This legislation sets forth procedures for admission into the United States of the state of New Columbia, to provide full representation for the residents of Washington, D.C.
H.R. 676: "To provide for comprehensive health insurance coverage for all United States residents, improved health care delivery, and for other purposes." This legislation would fix flaws in our healthcare system, improving healthcare outcomes, saving lives as well as money for businesses and taxpayers.
Cosponsor and support resolutions to enact one or more constitutional amendments to overturn the wrongly interpreted doctrines that equate money with speech and corporations with human beings.
Oppose and vote against “Fast Track” and any other procedures that short-circuit the Congressional oversight process for theTrans-Pacific Partnership and any other multilateral commercial deals. Also, to oppose and vote against these deals because they place special interests over the needs of American families.
Support diplomacy and oppose any new sanctions on Iran.
Cosponsor and support a resolution to remove the time limit from the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
Cosponsor and support legislation to facilitate the creation of the state of New Columbia—including representation by a House member and two Senators.
113rd Congressional Priorities:
Oppose U.S. military intervention (boots on the ground) against ISIS; and vote against any new authorization for the use of military force (AUMF). The Iraq War helped create ISIS. More warfare will only increase turmoil and bloodshed in the Middle East. (House: Cosponsor H. Con. Res. 114).
Oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and any other multinational commercial agreements that hurt American working families, and oppose "fast track" or any other accelerated procedure for such deals.
For S.J. Res. 15 / H.J. Res. 113: to remove the time limit for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, and ensure that rights will not be denied or abridged on account of sex upon ratification by 3 additional states.
For S. 123 / H.R. 12, The Voter Empowerment Act, legislation to “modernize voter registration, promote access to voting for individuals with disabilities, protect the ability of individuals to exercise the right to vote in elections for Federal office, and for other purposes.” to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) to require each state to make available official public websites for online voter registration.
For H.R. 5478: to amend the program that authorizes the Secretary of Defense to transfer military equipment to law enforcement agencies.
For HR 5280: The Employee Empowerment Act
For S 2742: The Improving Access to Social Security Services Act
For SJ Res 19 / HJ Res 119: Proposing The Democracy for All Amendment re: election contributions and expenditures
For H Con Res 114: Calling on Congress to exercise its constitutional responsibility to debate and vote on any use of force in Iraq and/or Syria
For H.J.Res. 44 proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the right to vote. because the right to vote is the fundamental basis of our democratic republic. No citizen of legal voting age should have this basic right infringed.For H.J.Res. 119 / S.J.Res. 19 proposing an amendment to the US Constitution relating to contributions and expenditures.Dubious Supreme Court decisions have opened the floodgates to let special interest money dominate and corrupt our elections. This amendment would restore the authority of Congress and the States to govern our elections. For H.J.Res. 113 / S.J.Res. 15 a joint resolution to remove the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. For too long, women and girls--and in other instances men and boys--have lacked constitutional protections from discrimination on account of sex. The ERA will help remedy this ongoing inequality and invidious discrimination.
For H.R. 292 / S.132 the New Columbia Admission Act, legislation that would set forth procedures for admission into the United States of the state of New Columbia, including elections to Congress of two Senators and one Representative. Currently, the 644,000+ people of the District of Columbia lack full basic civil rights and representation in the Congress. This legislation would remedy this injustice.
For S. 1782 the American Health Security Act which would save hundreds of $billions while facilitating access to needed care. It would also express the sense of the Senate recognizing health care as a human right; establish the State-Based American Health Security Program to help participating states establish their own health security program. It would also help states address shortcomings in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”). More information.
For H.R. 1000, The Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Training Act to promote job creation through Employment Opportunity Grants to states, local governments, and Indian tribes as well as through Workforce Investment programs. It would also bring together business, labor, government, and other parties to create jobs. See:
Text of the bill, cosponsors and other information.
Opposing cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, aka Food Stamps). For more information, please seePDA's Action Alert.
For the Strengthening Social Security Act (S. 567), and the Senate Concurrent Resolution to protect Social Security (S. Con. Res. 15). More information.
For Constitutional Amendments to protect voting rights, extend equal rights under law (Equal Rights Amendment), and limit corporate power.