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Subject: Cheney's little deferment, Liz lies.
The apple does not fall far from the tree!
While daddy sent our troops like lambs to the slaughter to his ego war, so goes Liz Cheney to lie for him and as we all know she was taught by the best of liars ever, her daddy. A daddy drunk with power!
How can this little girl live with herself if she had to accept the guilt of her father's lie that sent our troops to die, and then refuse to be there to honor them when they returned home to their families.
Cheney's motto must have been 'if you don't see them they where not there.' Also, this did not happen, and no one will remember who sent them or why they had to die!
While President Obama, by doing the loving thing as Commander in Chief and being there to honor those who died in the line of duty, is chastised. Can you believe it? Being honorable they, these troops, went, not knowing, it was on a Cheney power, ego trip. Baby Liz along with daddy have the shameful nerve to lie about President Obama's motive to be there when these heroes arrived home to their grieving loved ones. Why? Because the guilt would be so hard to bear for baby and daddy, and the truth does not permit them to live in peace with themselves. So lie they must to survive. Liz can't get her head around what? The truth??? I'll bet she can't!
Liz, daddy's little girl, who are we to judge you our your daddy, there is a higher authority that does have the power to do just that, and believe me there will be an atonement to be sure, because those who died for the daddy's big lie will not rest in peace till then. And all your lies will not do a darn thing to make daddy's sins go away.
A BuzzFlash Reader
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